New Year Goals, a Few Rules When Planning Your New Adventures

The New Year brings new goals in our personal, professional and yes, even our travel lives! I know my New Year Goal is to “Travel More”.  So, why not take the time to set your personal travel goals for the year.  Here are a few rules I keep in mind when planning my new Adventures.   

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Go at LEAST one new place every year. It doesn’t have to be out of the country or even very far; but Europe is amazing!  It could be a road trip to a nearby state, a visit to a national park you have yet to see or even a stop in a nearby town you simply haven’t spent time in. Break free from your routine and experience a place that is unfamiliar to you, Travel isn’t just a destination, it is how you travel there, the things you want to explore and experience.    My new place this year is Costa Rica!     

Connect to your hobbies and passions. Pursue a travel experience that connects you with those things that set your soul on fire – food, wine, music, history, art.  By following your existing passions you just may uncover new ones!   My passion besides Travel is Wine tasting; so, join me on my Group Wine River Cruise on “The Rhine”; April of 2020. 

Use your vacation time.  I clearly always use every drop of my vacation time!  Americans are reluctant to take their days off, however, you need to remember there are multiple benefits of taking your vacation; your physical health improves, your social and family life improves, and most of all your general mood and outlook on life will have a significant improvement.   So, let’s resolve this issue; take the time off you’ve earned it!  My Husband and I sit down every December and review our bucket list; or budget; and plot our next escapade! 

Go beyond your comfort zone. Consider choosing a destination that feels completely foreign to you; some place off the grid that will challenge and introduce you to a lifestyle and culture that is different from your own. What you find will almost always surprise you – new friends, new hobbies and maybe even a new confidence in yourself.    Enjoy the authentic experiences and personal enrichment!  My most memorable trip is Jamaica; it was definitely out of my comfort zone; if I would not have been traveling with the best Group ever; I would never have had the courage to ride the Jamaican Bobsled at Mystic Mountain.  New Friends, new confidence!  

I hope you can take the time and review your Bucket List; set your Travel Goals; and then contact anyone of the professional, experienced agents at The Joy of Travel to fulfill your “New Travel Resolutions for 2019”.

Doreen Kyle

The Joy of Travel-where we put the JOY back in travel. 

General TravelDoreen Kyle