What to do if it happens to you

Joy Gawf-Crutchfield

If you’ve traveled in 2021 or watched any travel news, you know the airlines have been suffering from a crippling lack of flight crew staff.  Canceled flights now number in the thousands, with hundreds of thousands of passengers left standing in the airport with a big change in their travel plans looming before them.  

Waiting at the airport, two people watching planes out window

These personnel issues should get much better after the first of the year, but even then bad weather, mechanical issues, etc. still happen and can adversely affect your schedule. 

1.  Unless you specifically asked for travel insurance that is “cancelation coverage only ”or “medical coverage only” all of the insurance policies we offer include both, as well as trip delay coverage.  Keep every receipt for any expenses you incur during your delay.  Depending on the length of your delay, you may be eligible for reimbursement.  

2. Always have a change of clothes, your medications and a toothbrush/paste in your carry-on bag.  A few nutritious snacks are good to throw in as well.  I go for mixed nuts and some peanut butter crackers.  Add a few Twizzlers just for fun.  

3. You usually get faster service by calling the airlines rather than waiting in line for a gate agent.  I do both, I call the airlines while waiting in line for an agent.  Always have the necessary technological tools you need and their charging cords, etc.  The worst thing that can happen is you are on hold with the airlines and your phone goes dead.  

4.  Can you drive to another airport within a reasonable amount of time?  DFW is usually a good second choice, and I’ve even had customers drive to Houston just to catch a flight and continue with their trip. 

5.  Be flexible.  I have a friend in the business whose customers were scheduled to take off for Curacao one morning; their flight was canceled, so they ended up vacationing on St Lucia because that’s where flights were available.   

6  Keep us in the loop. Once you’ve accepted a different flight schedule, contact your travel agent so we can change your transfer schedule; alert the resort about a later arrival, etc..  If you are confused at any step along the way, contact your travel agent.  We are dealing with these issues on a weekly basis and are happy to help you as you navigate the situation.